Wanna be a thief? solehpolysas not want you become a thief, but if you want a gadget or want a script that the website/blog using, here the trick how to view all their source code.
This tools will find out the website/blog script. You just copy and paste 2 your blog if that script just like you want.
warning: if you use this tools for copy the copyright website script, solehpolysas will not responsible in any sue. so be care full..
how to use this tools:
**Pelawat yang disegani:-
Berikan komen anda selepas membaca artikel dan membuat sebarang trick didalam blog ini. Komen anda membolehkan saya memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti blog ini. Komen anda amat dihargai. Terima Kasih.
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