This tutorial is about to create float image that will always show on your corner blog althought you drag side scroll bar. Just like my S.E. You can put an image, widget, clock etc on the corner.
Step by step to create Float image.
1. Login ke blogger then click "Layout -->> Edit HTML
2. Find this code ]]></b:skin>, then put the code below above it.
#float_corner {
inherit;_top:expression(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight);_left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth);}
3. The bold text is it’e position. you can change it with "top", "buttom", "left", "right"
4. The next step is put the code below before tag</body>
<div id="float_corner">
<a href=""> <img src="" border="0" /></a>
"" is a link.
"" is image URL, Change it with your own image.
5. If you wanna fill it with a widget, change the red code with your widget code.
6. Save and preview your blog.
Enjoy this trick..
**Pelawat yang disegani:-
Berikan komen anda selepas membaca artikel dan membuat sebarang trick didalam blog ini. Komen anda membolehkan saya memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti blog ini. Komen anda amat dihargai. Terima Kasih.
Bro macam mana nak create banner tanpa guna photoshop?
cari shj software, atau cari di google image search.. mudah & pantas.