Navbar (Navigation Bar) is fasility of But many blogger want to hide this navbar because it will make their blog layout look better without a box (navbar) above it. The Question "is this break TOS (Term Of Service) of" I don't know, but so far is good, there are many blogger hide their navbar but no reaction from So? do you want to hide Your blog navbar? if you want here's the trick to hide blogger navbar:
1. Login to Blogger then klick "Layout --> Edit HTML".
2. Copy the code below and insert into your <head> tag.
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
3. for example put like this
Blogger Template Style
Name: xxx
Designer: xxx
Date: Januari 2008
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
/* Variable definitions
4. Save your setting, and open your blog, You will have no navbar in your blog page
**Pelawat yang disegani:-
Berikan komen anda selepas membaca artikel dan membuat sebarang trick didalam blog ini. Komen anda membolehkan saya memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti blog ini. Komen anda amat dihargai. Terima Kasih.
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Komen anda amat dihargai, Terima Kasih : solehpolysas™